These days minis are being used in so many patterns in both knitting and crochet. Learn to make your own in a new four-part spinning series. Missy will teach you everything you need to know to make your own minis on a portable Turkish Spindle. First, you will learn to spin roving into yarn in whatever weight you want. Then you will learn different ply methods, blending different colors, and finally, trying different fibers to see which ones you like best. Let your creativity take flight! Please specify if you would like the 2-4 or the 6-8 class.

July 17th, Intro to Spinning,
2 – 4- pm OR 6 – 8 pm $30 + supplies
August 14th, Making Minis,
2 – 4- pm OR 6 – 8 pm $30 + supplies
Sept 11th, Blending Colors on Carders,
2 – 4- pm OR 6 – 8 pm $30 + supplies
Oct 9th Spinning Different Fibers,
2 – 4- pm OR 6 – 8 pm $30 + supplies